Project Description
The project involves hosting a static website using an AWS S3 bucket. Amazon S3 is an object storage service that provides a simple web services interface to store and retrieve any amount of data. The website files will be uploaded to an S3 bucket and configured to function as a static website. The bucket will be configured with the appropriate permissions and a unique domain name, making the website publicly accessible. Overall, the project aims to leverage the benefits of AWS S3 to host and scale a static website in a cost-effective and scalable manner.
In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Amazon S3 service.
Create an S3 Bucket: Establish an S3 bucket in the AWS Management Console. Choose a distinctive bucket name and opt for a region.
To enable public access to your S3 bucket, deactivate the "Block public access" settings by setting them to "Off."
Click on 'Create bucket,' and upon completion, you'll receive confirmation that the bucket has been successfully created.
Upload Website Files: Once your bucket is set up, proceed to upload your website files.
Click on 'Upload' and then select 'Add files' to incorporate your website files into the bucket. This action completes the upload process, and your website files are now stored in the bucket.
Configure Static Website Hosting: Navigate to the "Properties" tab and locate "Static Website Hosting."
Enable static website hosting and specify the "Index Document" as "index.html." This step ensures that your website is hosted statically.
After activating static website hosting, note the bucket website endpoint, which serves as your website's URL.
Set Permissions: Adjust the bucket permissions to permit public access to your website. Head to the "Permissions" tab and select "Bucket Policy."
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::pigoriyawebhosting/*"
Apply the provided bucket policy to make your bucket publicly accessible.
Finally, visit the bucket website URL to confirm that your static website is now accessible using the assigned URL.
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